Saarbrücken's main railway station is also called Eurobahnhof because it was modernised as part of the "Saarbrücken 21" project and functions as a transport connection point within Germany, but also Europe. The fast ICE, for example, travels from Saarbrücken to Paris 5 times a day. Around 10 million rail passengers use the station to start or return from their journey. Don't worry about your car! You can easily park your car at Q-Park for the entire duration of your journey. The parking facilities at the main station, Neue Mitte, Dudweiler Straße and Beethovenplatz are suitable for this purpose.
Secure parking at the Eurobahnhof in Saarbrücken at Q-Park
We not only offer you an inexpensive and convenient parking space for your car, but also give you the opportunity to take advantage of other offers in the city, such as a visit to the Europa Galerie, Wilhelm-Heinrich-Brücke or Echelmeyer Park - without having to re-park.
Know today where you will be parking tomorrow at the Eurobahnhof in Saarbrücken? Book & Reserve your parking space here now and use the time for the finer things in life.
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